What is ST project?
Spoken Tutorial was established at IIT Bombay with the funding from the Ministry of Education (previously Ministry of Human Resource Development). The use of spoken tutorials to popularize software learning and its use will be coordinated through this website.
The main objective of this project is to promote IT literacy for education and improve the employment potential of learners in India, using FOSS (free and open source software). ICT is an important area that provides jobs to a large number of our students. Software creation, electronic design automation (IC design), numerical computing, and modelling and simulation are some of the ICT areas. We aim to pass on the knowledge of technology and free and open source software (FOSS) through the website to the millions in our country, who lack opportunities and/or access to learn any software.
Some reasons for these gaps in access are:
- Lack of knowledge about accessibility
- Lack of proper guidance
- Lack of infrastructure facilities available
- Difficulty in understanding English